The following are some sources for additional information on hazard risks your community may face. For details on how to use this information to help protect your community, see the “Where to Use Additional Information on Coastal Hazard Risks” section below.

Understanding Your Community’s Exposure

The first step towards making your community more resilient to disasters is understanding and prioritizing its risks: the Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium has put together a very useful tool called the Coastal Resilience Index to help you do just that.

Shoreline Change History

Following are some resources on the ways coastlines have changed through time:

  • The Alabama Flood Risk Information System website has both FIRMs and additional layers available in a map viewer.
  • The Geological Survey of Alabama (through the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Lands Division Coastal Section’s Coastal Zone Management Program) uses GIS modeling of a comprehensive historic shoreline dataset to determine rates of shoreline change. Although not currently available online, these data and shoreline change reports can be requested through these agencies.
  • Detailed mapping, including historic mapping and aerial photography is available through the Louisiana Office of Coastal Management’s SONR.

The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality’s Coastal Geology Section website provides detailed shoreline change maps and GIS data showing the relative positions of historic shorelines, along with information on how to interpret these maps and data. Shoreline change and other spatial data are also available through:

Sea Level Rise Data and Projections

While the causes and future rates are still being debated, there is a general scientific consensus that sea levels are rising. Consequently, the effects of future, higher, sea levels should be considered when making siting decisions. For more information on current predictions for sea level rise, see the following:


Coastal Inundation

With continuing sea level rise, more and more areas are at risk of flooding or being damaged by storm surge. Unfortunately, figuring out what areas are going to flood in the future is even trickier than determining which are most at risk now. NOAA has created a Coastal Inundation Toolkit with information coastal inundation is and how to address it. Also see their Mapping Coastal Inundation Primer (PDF, 1.4 MB). See their Sea Level Rise Viewer, too.

Wind Risk

For projections on approximate wind speeds in your community during different categories of hurricanes, see National Weather Service’s Hurricane Preparedness website.

Local Knowledge

In most communities, there are areas that flood that are not mapped as flood zones on the community’s Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs). Community decisions about land use in floodplains should be based on the actual floodplain, which should be determined from all available information, including the FIRM’s data, relevant parts of the Flood Insurance Study, and your community’s experiences. During and immediately after storm events, your community can record the true (as opposed to modeled) extent of a storm. This can be done in many ways—if aerial photographs are available, these can be used, as can physically recording the extent of floodwaters (high-water marks) during the peak hours of a storm event or soon after the storm when the evidence is still visible.

Other Sources of Hazard Information

Where to Use Additional Information on Coastal Hazard Risks

As your community’s understanding of local flood and erosion risks improves, so do your chances of successfully addressing them. For example, more detailed information on areas prone to flooding, erosion, or storm damage will allow your community to better plan for development in its master plan, more efficiently prepare for emergencies in its disaster response plan, and more effectively help educate its citizens as to the real risks they face. Following are some areas where your community can use its newly found hazard information.

* Your community needs only 500 points to qualify for reduced flood insurance premiums through the Community Rating System (CRS). For more information (including how to apply for the CRS program), see our Community Rating System (CRS) primer.


Notes from the folks at CRS:

“Local governments preparing floodplain management plans or hazard mitigation plans should seek and utilize flood risk information from Federal, State and Regional agencies. For coastal communities this should include information on their shoreline change history, sea-level rise and storm surge. More credit is provided to local governments that research and use information on other risks such as high winds, subsidence and ground movement. In CRS that effort is credited under Activity 510 Floodplain Management Planning.”

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